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The Path to Stabilizing

N2GO plans to take action to help curb negative human impacts on biodiversity. But we are not depending solely on the federal government to set high-level policies OR FIX THIS. Our plan is to bring awareness to community’s and individuals that we must play a crucial role in conserving nature.

Better Habetats, Better Planet


If we do not course correct now, we will continue to lose life-sustaining biodiversity at an alarming rate. N2GO is committed to doing just that by developing a Carbon Neutral, Net/Zero Disaster Resistant Mixed-Use Resort Community. Our fellow citizens affected by the tragic wildfires will rebuild their homes and lives while minimizing the overall carbon footprint. N2GO communities will implement a “Preserve, Protect and Plant” Program.

The PPP Program will serve to preserve and protect existing environments while creating New Habitat where all types of wildlife can coexist. This Habitat will include pollinating areas and beehives, with Natural Feeding Plants & Trees for Birds, Butterflies, Dragonflies and a host of other types of insects. This area will be large enough that all wildlife, including animals, can coexist and thrive on the same acreage.

At N2GO we know that extinctions are a normal and expected part of the evolutionary process, the current rate of species population decline and species extinction have accelerated exponentially to threaten important ecological functions that support human life on Earth, such as a stable climate, predictable regional precipitation patterns and productive farmland and fisheries. Experts now believe we’re in the midst of a sixth mass extinction.



To Protect Native Pollinators –

  • Butterflies, Moths, Beetles, Ants, Birds, Bats, Wasps - North America has 4,000 species of Native Bees. 70% of them are Ground Nesting. Others nest in leaves and standing stems. All at various times of the year.

The has been officially added to the list of endangered species.

  • Ants – 30 to 40 percent of Woodland Spring Wildflower Seeds are “planted” by Ants.

  • Plant Wildflower Meadows in an effort to reverse declines in insect populations. Also Milkweed, Lavender, Catmint, Rosemary, Heliotrope, Sage, Aster, Thyme, Fennel, Calendula, etc. for the Birds and Bees. Also, Native Oak can host over 500 Caterpillar Species

  • Acquire all plants and trees from reputable sources/growers from our area, unless we are rescuing them from being plowed under by construction. Commercial nurseries also stock some native plants. (Never collect plants from the wild. This defeats our efforts on behalf of birds by degrading wild areas.)

  • Large Natural Pond(s) with Stream for wild animal to drink from. Water Plants that will attract Dragonflies, Caterpillars, etc. with native fish to help control mosquito larva.

  • Attract Birds - Some birds like deeply wooded areas; others prefer open fields and meadows. Many species are year-round residents, while others such as the cedar waxwing appear only for a few days a year during migration. Other species such as sparrows, blue jays, cardinals, robins, juncos, and chickadees are highly adaptable and found in many environments.

  • Protection Programs for Migrating birds. Habitat loss has been the main cause of bird declines. The more people there are, the fewer birds we have.

  • Ordinance for keeping all cats indoors only. Each year, cats kill 2.4 billion birds in the United States alone. Not to mention how dangerous being an outside cat can be…predators, diseases, weather, cars, etc.  Keeping our precious kitties indoors will not only protect birds, but our Purr Babies as well.

  • Ordinance against Harmful Chemicals & Pesticides.

  • Transplant native plants and remove invasive exotic plants such as Poison Ivy that crowd out native species.

Burrowing Owl Ground Nester.png



We believe that by implementing these steps we will not only help our animal and insect populations thrive, but also play a crucial part in healing Mother Earth thereby saving our planet.



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